Migrating BAL to Java
A proven solution towards modenization
Migrating BAL to Java
A proven solution towards modenization
Migrating BAL to Java confronts us with Prologue.
Prologue is a high-performance operating system with excellent stability. It has complex features reminiscent of UNIX but with a configuration simplicity closer to the old MS-DOS. While its core is programmed in assembly language, upper layers are coded in C language.
However, ultimately, all of Prologue is wrapped in the BAL programming language.
BAL (Business Application Language) está optimizado para el ámbito empresarial y la gestión de grandes volúmenes de datos. Ofrece una integración muy estrecha con el S.O. Prologue pudiendo acceder de forma nativa a recursos propios del sitema, interactuando on bases de datos, interfaz de usuario final, etc.
La suite Caravel siempre está presente en la migración de sistemas legacy.
Caravel hace posible la integración de sistemas antiguos con tecnologías modernas y emergentes.
Caravel can effectively transform systems written in the BAL language, resulting in well-structured and easily maintainable Java code. Depending on the requirements, these systems can include modern interfaces based on Angular or React, as well as relational database structures with standard SQL.
The characteristics of the BAL language and its native integration with the Prologue system make it particularly complex in both its analysis and modernization phases.
However, the tools in the Caravel suite have developed all the necessary extensions and customizations to carry out this transformation flexibly and efficiently.
Caravel adapts to all user requirements regarding the target platform.
Producing Java code of the highest quality, organized, and maintainable.”
The BAL language exhibits certain characteristics that set it apart from modern programming languages.
For instance, it lacks external definitions for both user interfaces and data structures.
All these are built within the program lines using a set of instructions that perform atomic actions for screen construction as well as data input and output.
Similarly, for flow control, this language features instructions, commonly used, that are unstructured, such as GOTOs or GOSUBs.
Furthermore, other instructions in the BAL language pose special difficulties that only with the experience gained from the set of projects undertaken has enabled the Caravel technology to be equipped with the unique, necessary, and sufficient elements to tackle the challenges presented by BAL.
Efficiently migrating from BAL to Java is only possible thanks to the robust framework provided by the Caravel suite.
The modernization projects carried out to migrate BAL to Java encompass several financial management and insurance systems, all for European clients.
These projects have been conducted throughout the years 2022, 2023, and 2024. The target data structures have been RDBMS in all cases.
BASE100 continues to refine this conversion technology for both BAL systems deployed on Prologue and Unix operating systems, offering efficient results for software companies or end users.
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